Why You Should Incorporate CBD Into Your Yoga Routine


Yoga is a popular Indian exercising technique that has gained popularity during recent decades. It is known for its healing and calming properties that bring relief in physical pain and mental stress. Regular practice makes the body active, tones muscles, and improves flexibility. The yoga poses are more intense than the conventional exercise thus, need more focus. If you are trying to deal with a stressful life, do something for your health by incorporating yoga. Yoga is strongly associated with anxiety healing and mood-boosting therapeutic effects. It helps to calm the tensed muscles and improves concentration and focus. Yoga doesn’t call you for practice every single day. A few poses for two-three days are enough to see visible results. 

What Is CBD? 

CBD is Cannabidiol, a compound that is non-psychoactive derived from cannabis Sativa. The Compound is safe to use because it doesn’t get you high. It’s a medicinal compound with therapeutic properties usually used to relieve pain and stress. It is known to show great results in humans as well as in pets. It works in humans because of the receptors present in the brain known as endocannabinoids. The receptors bind with Cannabidiol to give a therapeutic effect and calm down anxiety, depression, stress, and pain. The Peninsuladailynews.com/marketplace/best-cbd-oil-for-anxiety-depression/ tells Cannabidiol has a safe level of THC, which is less than 0.3%, and shows no notable impact on the human brain, proving it safe for human use.

Why Incorporate CBD Into Yoga Practice?

If you are a new or regular yogi, you may know about the complicated yoga poses. Yoga takes concentration and focus because it’s an exercising technique that needs physical and mental presence to work effectively. If you suffer from anxiety, stress, or physical pain, you need to calm it down first. CBD will help in treating anxiety and bring more focus while performing yoga. The bliss molecule, known as ‘ Anandamide’ is released by the practice of yoga. CBD oil prolongs the effect of this molecule in the body. Cannabidiol works by halting the enzyme that causes the bliss molecule Anandamida to break down. 

  • CBD oil can help soothe the nerves, anxiety, and sour muscles.

  • It can also be used as post-yoga massaging oil to release the tensed muscles. 

  • It extended the relief that comes with savasana( a yoga pose).

  • It helps in relaxing the mind and helps in the release of Anandamide.

How To Get Started With CBD And Yoga?

CBD and yoga are natural anxiety treatment known to lower stress and ease inflammation. They have a different pathway and mechanism but impart the same benefits. A combination of both has a beneficial impact on your physical and mental health. There are a variety of CBD products in the market, but oil is the most preferred option. Oil is more easily absorbed by the body and has the required concentration that should be taken daily. You can also apply it directly to the areas of pain and inflammation. A premium grade CBD oil that is broad or full-spectrum is considered suitable for daily use.


Yoga has tremendous mental and physical health benefits. It is a more intense and focused form of physical activity. Yoga poses involve stretches and poses that can cause sore muscles because they are far different from routine exercises. It may take up some time to get habitual to it. CBD oil can help by treating physical pain but also improves focus by releasing stress and anxiety. So yoga and CBD oil work great together because both have the same motive with a different perspective.
